Plant Optimization

Opti­mierung 1
Opti­mierung 2
Opti­mierung 3
Opti­mierung 4
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Most emis­sion con­trol plants “run as they run”. As they do not direct­ly con­tribute to indus­trie’s pri­ma­ry pro­duc­tion, they don’t add any direct val­ue. There­fore sig­nif­i­cant opti­miza­tion and ener­gy min­i­miz­ing poten­tial is found regulary.

We offer:

  • Plant inspec­tions with focus on processes
  • Oper­at­ing data acqui­si­tion and analysis
  • Screen­ings with focus on ener­gy minimization
  • Plant capac­i­ty assessments
  • Prod­uct sam­pling and detailed analyisis