Consulting & Design

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We coun­sel and design inde­pen­dent, on high tech­ni­cal lev­el and with hands on men­tal­i­ty. 
Our con­sult­ing and design fields are:

  • Fea­si­bil­i­ty stud­ies for new plants, upgrades and operations
  • Tech­nol­o­gy selec­tion in emis­sion pre­ven­tion and control
  • Pres­sure drop cal­cu­la­tions and optimizations
  • Con­sult­ing for emis­sion mea­sure­ments and CEMS implementation
  • Sup­port for func­tion­al analy­sis, HAZOP’s and explo­sion pro­tec­tion documents
  • Process engi­neer­ing and design, sup­port up to start-up and oper­a­tion phase
  • Bid eval­u­a­tion and nego­ti­a­tion support
  • Retro­fit studies
  • Mon­i­tor­ing and accep­tance test­ing for emis­sion con­trol projects
  • Val­i­da­tion on process design parameters